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Hello Allan,

a big thanks for sharing this now this way. Thats the smarter way now. (y)

A question (or better a suggestion) - see you a chance to let the collapsed list sort by A-Z?

I know, its a luxus problem of me ...:D ;)
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Hello Otto,

Can you please enhance a bit what you would like, I am not sure I get you.

All entrys in my list are displayed like randomly - I see no sorting system. And so I suggest to make a option so we can sort this list by letters A-Z. You now understand what I mean?

First I like to see " Alphabetical sorting ...", "AdminCP Firewall", than "Bb codes ...", than "C ..."

Alphabetical sorting - this is waht I mean.

Sorry, my english ist not so god as it better should. :)
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