[XB] TMDb Movie Thread Starter

[XB] TMDb Movie Thread Starter [Paid] 2.2.3

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Thank you for your info.

I have observed the response that will resolve the issue in the upcoming update.

My concern is, when can I expect it to be addressed?

I believe as a customer, I have the right to ask the same question.
I haven't any knowledge of the timeline. Have inquired.
is there a possibility to interact with this addon through telegram? i have tried to integrate it with my telegram bot to generate topics using the addon, but the topics are created in the subforum without using this
Ozzy47 updated TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.2.0 RC 1

2.2.0 Release Candidate 1:
  • Added style property to change "check for new poster" button position
  • Added button to check backdrop for updates (Covers add-on integration)
  • Fixed incorrect table name in TMDb community changes tracking job
  • Fix: disable logging moderator action for Movie cover rebuild job
  • Fix: avoid adding covers to approval queue on rebuild/auto update
  • Fix: avoid undefined index errors on adding Movie with invalid TMDb URL
  • Fix: avoid "column...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Ozzy47 ,

Hey man, can you upgrade the TMDB Game Thread Starter add-on for XF 2.x? I have it for XF1 and would like to use it for XF2 but it's not compatible and not available for the latest versions it seems?
@Ozzy47 ,

Hey man, can you upgrade the TMDB Game Thread Starter add-on for XF 2.x? I have it for XF1 and would like to use it for XF2 but it's not compatible and not available for the latest versions it seems?

I don’t have any of his styles. Test the update on a test forum and see if there are any issues.
@Ozzy47 ,

Hey man, can you upgrade the TMDB Game Thread Starter add-on for XF 2.x? I have it for XF1 and would like to use it for XF2 but it's not compatible and not available for the latest versions it seems?
Strangely not added on XF.com anymore as a resource - but still updated on his own site.
This has probably been addressed but gonna ask anyway. So I have a node on my site that is for tv, gaming and movies. I think this would be a great addition but it obv would only apply to movie threads. Does this convert the ENTIRE node or can you trigger it based on prefix or a toggle when creating? Something like that.
After a few years, I've actually managed to finally figure out how to make the posters for shows/movies to open up large in a lightbox. It involved editing two templates.

Add the below code to the top of the 'snog_movies_thread_view_type_movie' template.

        <xf:css src="lightbox.less" />
        <xf:js prod="xf/lightbox-compiled.js" dev="vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.js, xf/lightbox.js" />

        <xf:if is="!page_param('hasLb')">
            <script class="js-extraPhrases" type="application/json">
                "lightbox_close": "{{ phrase('lightbox_close')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_next": "{{ phrase('lightbox_next')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_previous": "{{ phrase('lightbox_previous')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_error": "{{ phrase('lightbox_error')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_start_slideshow": "{{ phrase('lightbox_start_slideshow')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "{{ phrase('lightbox_stop_slideshow')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_full_screen": "{{ phrase('lightbox_full_screen')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_thumbnails": "{{ phrase('lightbox_thumbnails')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_download": "{{ phrase('lightbox_download')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_share": "{{ phrase('lightbox_share')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_zoom": "{{ phrase('lightbox_zoom')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_new_window": "{{ phrase('lightbox_new_window')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "{{ phrase('lightbox_toggle_sidebar')|escape('js') }}"
        <xf:page option="hasLb" value="{{ true }}" />

Then edit the 'snog_movies_post_macros' template. Search for the below code -

                                            <xf:if is="$thread.Movie.tmdb_image">
                                                <xf:if is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_forum_local">
                                                    <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" />
                                                <xf:elseif is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_usecdn" />
                                                    <img src="{$xf.options.tmdbthreads_cdn_path}/movies/LargePosters{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                                <xf:else />
                                                    <img src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                            <xf:else />
                                                <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l', 1)}" />

Change to -

<div class="lightboxWrapper bbImageWrapper" title="" data-src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="" data-fancybox="" data-caption="" style="">
                                            <xf:if is="$thread.Movie.tmdb_image">
                                                <xf:if is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_forum_local">
                                                    <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" />
                                                <xf:elseif is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_usecdn" />
                                                    <img src="{$xf.options.tmdbthreads_cdn_path}/movies/LargePosters{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                                <xf:else />
                                                    <img src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                            <xf:else />
                                                <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l', 1)}" />
    <p>Click on Poster to Enlarge</p>

You can see that I added a small addition of text beneath the poster saying 'Click on Poster to Enlarge'

Accomplished result (old screenshot so the rest of the layout looks slightly different) -


This is coded to use the images served locally. I have also set the poster images as large otherwise it serves no great purpose. Thank you @RobinHood for your help with this all that time ago!
After a few years, I've actually managed to finally figure out how to make the posters for shows/movies to open up large in a lightbox. It involved editing two templates.

Add the below code to the top of the 'snog_movies_thread_view_type_movie' template.

        <xf:css src="lightbox.less" />
        <xf:js prod="xf/lightbox-compiled.js" dev="vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.js, xf/lightbox.js" />

        <xf:if is="!page_param('hasLb')">
            <script class="js-extraPhrases" type="application/json">
                "lightbox_close": "{{ phrase('lightbox_close')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_next": "{{ phrase('lightbox_next')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_previous": "{{ phrase('lightbox_previous')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_error": "{{ phrase('lightbox_error')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_start_slideshow": "{{ phrase('lightbox_start_slideshow')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "{{ phrase('lightbox_stop_slideshow')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_full_screen": "{{ phrase('lightbox_full_screen')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_thumbnails": "{{ phrase('lightbox_thumbnails')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_download": "{{ phrase('lightbox_download')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_share": "{{ phrase('lightbox_share')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_zoom": "{{ phrase('lightbox_zoom')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_new_window": "{{ phrase('lightbox_new_window')|escape('js') }}",
                "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "{{ phrase('lightbox_toggle_sidebar')|escape('js') }}"
        <xf:page option="hasLb" value="{{ true }}" />

Then edit the 'snog_movies_post_macros' template. Search for the below code -

                                            <xf:if is="$thread.Movie.tmdb_image">
                                                <xf:if is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_forum_local">
                                                    <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" />
                                                <xf:elseif is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_usecdn" />
                                                    <img src="{$xf.options.tmdbthreads_cdn_path}/movies/LargePosters{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                                <xf:else />
                                                    <img src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                            <xf:else />
                                                <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l', 1)}" />

Change to -

<div class="lightboxWrapper bbImageWrapper" title="" data-src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="" data-fancybox="" data-caption="" style="">
                                            <xf:if is="$thread.Movie.tmdb_image">
                                                <xf:if is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_forum_local">
                                                    <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l')}" />
                                                <xf:elseif is="$xf.options.tmdbthreads_usecdn" />
                                                    <img src="{$xf.options.tmdbthreads_cdn_path}/movies/LargePosters{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                                <xf:else />
                                                    <img src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185{$thread.Movie.tmdb_image}" />
                                            <xf:else />
                                                <img src="{$thread.Movie.getImageUrl('l', 1)}" />
    <p>Click on Poster to Enlarge</p>

You can see that I added a small addition of text beneath the poster saying 'Click on Poster to Enlarge'

Accomplished result (old screenshot so the rest of the layout looks slightly different) -


This is coded to use the images served locally. I have also set the poster images as large otherwise it serves no great purpose. Thank you @RobinHood for your help with this all that time ago!

Can you repost the screenshot? I'm very curious to see it. Thanks
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