This suggestion is not a priority suggestion, but I thought it would be pretty cool to have.
Each member could have on their wall / profile the total number of views that their threads have had. So it takes every thread that the member has created, totalling the views each thread has had into a grand total, for want of a better word.
Basically it takes all the threads you've ever created, then totals the views from each of those threads.
It's not important, but would add a little competitive edge. Furthermore, it may encourage members to create quality threads within their sites.
Each member could have on their wall / profile the total number of views that their threads have had. So it takes every thread that the member has created, totalling the views each thread has had into a grand total, for want of a better word.
Basically it takes all the threads you've ever created, then totals the views from each of those threads.
It's not important, but would add a little competitive edge. Furthermore, it may encourage members to create quality threads within their sites.