Thread Title Edit History

Thread Title Edit History 1.0.10

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Does this work on the new Xenforo 2.0
And/Or is there planned support for this once the official support XF 2.0 comes?

If the author or anyone knows the answer that would be great!
The edit count may be off, or you've got history deleting still turned on (which it is by default)
...with a history of 120 days... but that error comes directly after I changed the Title... so it should at least show the last version and the current version? No? :)
Can you edit the title of a just posted thread and see if it works?

If not, then there is likely a compatibility issue.
Changed the same Title two times more now... still the same error.
Can you run the following query:
select * from xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'thread_title'

Can you also run:
select * from xf_edit_history where content_type = ''thread_title' and content_id = <threadId>
Replacing <threadId> with the last thread you just edited.
First query was successful:
Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-12 um 16.56.12.webp

Second query not so much... you sure that the last code snippet is correct Syntax? It gives an error about wrong Syntax.
Didn't saw the typo... thanks... :)

The result is zero result. No entry... seems like something might be blocking this add-on making entries?
Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-12 um 18.06.52.webp
Yeah, this is definitely an add-on conflict preventing my add-on's code from running.

I'll need ssh access (or access to a copy of your library folder less any XenForo/Zend bits) so I can search it for common bad add-on bugs which would cause my add-on to fail. No other way to fix beyond direct inspection of the codebase, sorry :(

(It is looking for implementations of _discussionPostSave without a matching call to parent::_discussionPostSave, or _getDefaultOptions without a matching call to parent::_getDefaultOptions)
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