Thread Prefix That Excludes Threads From Guests


Well-known member
Hi. I use the thread prefix option in sonnb's profanity filter to hide threads marked as NSFW for those who have not checked option in their preferences.

To extend this concept, I would like a modification that would let us mark threads as 'Member's Only' for instance, hide from guests. I would prefer to have a 'Member's Only' thread prefix instead of creating a Member's Only forum. Reason I ask is because making my site private was one of the hugest mistakes I've ever made. Kinda hard to recruit members from social-networking sites if they can't tell what my site's about...

I will donate for this project.
Hi. I use the thread prefix option in sonnb's profanity filter to hide threads marked as NSFW for those who have not checked option in their preferences.

To extend this concept, I would like a modification that would let us mark threads as 'Member's Only' for instance, hide from guests. I would prefer to have a 'Member's Only' thread prefix instead of creating a Member's Only forum. Reason I ask is because making my site private was one of the hugest mistakes I've ever made. Kinda hard to recruit members from social-networking sites if they can't tell what my site's about...

I will donate for this project.
From the recruiting standpoint you can have a forum(s) area where guests can see thread titles but not thread contents. Make them really wonder WT* is going on in THERE!! hehhe
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