XF 2.1 Thread/Post disapproval with reason and notification?


Active member

on my forum are moderate parts. New thread, sometimes and new posts - we monitor the beneficial content. Moderator can delete content for approval. But we lack the justification he would receive from the writer. And he could either fix the post or write a new one next time.

How to solve this?

Now the writer will not even know that the content has been disapproved (deleted).
Thank for you helps or tips on how to deal with it alternatively.
I think that is better to send a notification to the user about the post disapproval with a just premade reason. SO that the user can fix the things that are to fix in the post and then reask of the approval again.
To send a warning it doesn't make more pleasure to the users.
Then how the other people of the staff know that the user is just been alerted?

So right now that I have had a post in moderation, I had to send an alert to the user for a post not totally complete to be in an our particular section, (not nice inform him with a warning) and I had also to signal the post to tell the other staff users that I have just wrote this user.
Is not better to put all in one place?
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