This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant

Rich Jack

New member
Hey Guys,

Trying to make a purchase through Paypal but I got the following message:

This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information.

Tried it a couple of times and got the same error - wanted to know what would have caused this issue please? Thanks.
Edit: Okay sorry I just saw that some other users were having this same issue. I have to try with a credit card or initiate a direct wire transfer. Thanks.

No, try not logging into PayPal and choose the option below the PayPal logon choice. I used that and the transaction went through with no problems. Choose the "Don't have a Paypal account" option.
Edit: Okay sorry I just saw that some other users were having this same issue. I have to try with a credit card or initiate a direct wire transfer. Thanks.

Check the other threads. Solution was upgrading the PayPal account. No one should have to jump through such hoops to buy a product but c'est le guerre.
Hey guys,

Thanks for your suggestions.

@Tracy Perry : I've actually tried paying from my Paypal funds, and also paying as a Paypal guest (tried 3 different credit cards). I've also tried to pay the invoice generated by Xenforo staff by using both methods, to no avail. I've also got several friends to try help me buy it using their credit cards (from other countries) - same results.

@BGL: I've read the other threads - my Paypal account is upgraded (I use it for business and all) so that doesn't solve it for everyone either.

I gave up trying to purchase a new licence, and found someone who'd sell me her transferable licence instead. Still waiting for the transfer process. I do think the issue lies with Xenforo - Paypal.
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