this object has been blocked


Hi. I have recieved some feedback on users using Win XP Pro andLinux Mint 12.

A popup shows an error when trying to enter a page/forum/thread :
The following error occurred
This object has been blocked.

Any suggestions? I never recieved this on my own computers.
That error message does not exist in XenForo. It must be a client thing. Do you have a more detailed error message? Many errors will have a link to expose more information.

*moving to troubleshooting until this is confirmed to be a bug*
Ive tried to contact him
That error message does not exist in XenForo. It must be a client thing. Do you have a more detailed error message? Many errors will have a link to expose more information.

*moving to troubleshooting until this is confirmed to be a bug*

I have tried to contact him to see if there is a link to be seen (still waiting for a reply). The first error message might be a tiny bit diferent tho, because i use norwegian language. Here is a screenshot he sent me earlier:

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