thinking to buy Branding Removal


Ok im thinking to buy branding removal is it going to be options to remove branding or ? and where i can add my copyright after that ?
Brogan, I download the upgrade, uploaded to a test forum, I followed all the instructions, I did all the necessary checks, but the branding is still there. I don't know what I might have missed or what I should check for.
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Are you using CloudFlare (or similar) - if so, clear the cache there.
Also clear your local browser cache.

I'm using FileZilla. It's been awhile since I've done an upgrade and I don't think I'm doing it correctly. I've tried different methods, i.e. upload fromthe "upload" folder and set it to overwrite, uploading individual folders, dragging and dropping. Some folders are updated (according to the date) others are not. Also the library folder usually times out.
FileZilla does not do that when the server can stand the heat.(Thousands of files)

Upload the zip file to a temporary folder.
Unzip it.
Copy the folders one by one to your forum's folder.
Copy the files to your forum's folder.

Thank you. Before following your suggestion I tried the upload once again (very carefully), and this time it worked. SUCCESS! Yaaaaaaaaaay! LOL
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