XF 1.5 The table prefix or database name is not correct.


Although the install and import instructions are written clearly, I have this problem.

I created an empty new db using phpMyAdmin first. "NewDB"
Then instaled XenForo, using the name of the new db.
No problems there.

I created another database, named it "OldDB",
then imported that database from a previous forum installation (XenForo db as well, that was the whole point of purchasing XenForo anyway), using the phpMyAdmin import feature.

I get this "The table prefix or database name is not correct" error, after trying Import External Data icon.

When I look at the table structures, I see no problems with prefixes. Both goes "xf_addon" and so on.

Maybe because I am new to these kind of stuff, I feel lost.
I need to understand more about this "data" and "internal_data" folders, maybe.

What else this importer is looking at?

"The data to be entered in the configuration screen is related to the database you are importing from."
I totally get that, but isn't it supposed to be a database existing on the same phpMyAdmin installation? OldDB > NewDB from the same phpMyAdmin, I mean.

I am using the same phpMyAdmin user and password for both databases.
Please help.
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Installation works btw.
The trouble is, there's no sign from the previous forum after XenForo import external data feature is used (and what does "External Data" mean, by the way?)
There's only 1 user in the new forum, and that's me, the admin account.
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Well the issue is as the message suggests, the data you are entering is not correct.

However, why are you importing a forum into an empty/new installation?
Thank you, Brogan.
I started to work on it and making changes.

The former domain will not be used, and because the ownership has changed, I don't need a redirection.
I hope I understood that right.

I just want to retain the old discussions and move the forum users to the new domain.
That's why I'm not sure I have to do anything about this bit on point 6:
"Note also that redirection will be required if the domain name changes, to ensure any indexed links continue to work. Furthermore, if you have redirection scripts in place, you will need to edit the 301config.php file to reflect the new location."

Do I need a redirection script in my case, and if I do, where can I get more info about those?
Do those scripts just change
ThePreviousDomain.com/TheFriendlyURLofTheFormerThreads into
TheCurrentDomain.com/TheFriendlyURLofTheFormerThreads ?
Does this change happen in the MySQL database (like in tables?)

Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.
If you're moving the existing installation from oldesite.com to newsite.com, then any indexed links to threads, posts, etc. in search engines will no longer work if you don't implement redirection.

However, as the ownership of the old domain has changed, you won't be able to implement them anyway as they would need to be placed on the old domain.
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