The german portugal community ...


Active member
I've bought my license one year ago, but it took also a year to move from vB to XF - after all I'm very happy... XF is working well, but we have to practice a lot ... ;)

Here's the german Portugal community:

I'm using:
- Xenporta
- XenAtendo
- Waindigo Library
- German translation by XenDach
- Extra Footer
- sonnB Gallery
and some others ...
I logged on and looked around your site for about 30 minutes. I enjoyed my visit especially having a sister living in Portugal for the past 14 years. The green color that you selected for your portal, and forum was pleasant to my eyes and had no problem digesting your pages of test and color. I do not speak Portuguese, and the translating of all the pages were fast to English. Registration was no problem, and the email confirmation was in my inbox instantaneous. Overall, I enjoyed my visit and will keep my membership active as I plan to return regularly.
I really like your portal page and the overall feel for the forum. I speak German and played setting the site to English or German and noticed when it's in English that some items remain in German. What chat add-on are you using?

Great job!
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