[TH] Users Online Recently [Deleted]


Well-known member
ThemeHouse submitted a new resource:

[TH] Users Online Recently - A highly customizable Online Users widget with WidgetFramework support (not required)

This add-on will give you much greater control than the default XenForo Members Online sidebar block. Features include:
  • List Display Type
    • List: Displays online users in a list format, much like the default XenForo Members Online block.
    • Avatar Heap: Displays online user avatars, much like the 'new members' block.
  • Cache TTL: Defines how long the cache will live before it reloads the data
  • Maximum users to display: The maximum number of users that will be...

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Please can you Add "Total" to bottom of list. This is the total members including invisible members that have logged in the past X hours.
I think that's something we can do :)

Also can be add option Members Online block is controlled by User Group and User Group Styling will highlight usernames.? One more bug found, Username mouseover are not show about last activity.
Any particular reason th users online today the board time and not the timezone the user has set as it would definitely make more sense?

I recently purchased this add-on. Is there anyway you could quickly add the sort option so it can sort per the last user online?

It currently only has Random or Alphabitcal and I need to sort by showing the last user online first in that order instead.



I recently purchased this add-on. Is there anyway you could quickly add the sort option so it can sort per the last user online?

It currently only has Random or Alphabitcal and I need to sort by showing the last user online first in that order instead.

View attachment 154105

I'll go ahead and add this into our GitHub Issue Tracker as a feature request so that we can add it in the future. At this time we are only concentrating on our newest add-ons for XF2 and are putting XF1 add-ons on the back burner. But if you have interest in custom development, please create a ticket with us as our staff would be able to give you an idea of how much it would cost to get a feature like this added in.
Can this display a list of users online in the last 24 hours? I'm looking for something similar to the "Recently Online" widget used on The Admin Zone. Thanks.
Will this work if I'm using XenPorta 2 Pro and i'm using their sidebar widgets? Can a widget be made for this? I'd like to know before I purchase!
@Mike Creuzer , @ThemeHouse
We haven't had anyone report any issues when using XenPorta 2 Pro and this add-on together on their forum. But it does support [bd] Widget Framework incase you want to use it. If you have any issues, please let us know.
We haven't had anyone report any issues when using XenPorta 2 Pro and this add-on together on their forum. But it does support [bd] Widget Framework incase you want to use it. If you have any issues, please let us know.
If It doesn't work due to a custom widget being needed, is ThemeHouse willing to code a custom widget and release it for those who use XenPorta 2 Pro?
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