[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

Is there any way I can move the social notices below the group title / H1 (<xen:title>)?

Also, new question: How can I disable the display of social groups in the postbit user info area? I'm not seeing an option for it alongside the other options in Message Elements.
Its in the main add-on options for this add-on.
Its in the main add-on options for this add-on.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry, but I have one more question. :x If I'm on this page, activity is shown as Viewing unknown page. However, if I visit a category, it won't be unknown and it'll say Viewing social category [name]. Can unknown locations be "fixed" like on vBulletin via plugins?
Thank you.

And I'm sorry, but I have one more question. :x If I'm on this page, activity is shown as Viewing unknown page. However, if I visit a category, it won't be unknown and it'll say Viewing social category [name]. Can unknown locations be "fixed" like on vBulletin via plugins?
This sounds like a bug in the add-on. I will fix in the next update.
"The social forum creator is not able to leave the group" when I tried to delete a group I created. Why? In permissions under options, I've enabled deleting for creator.

I get the same error message when trying to delete a social forum. Any ideas how I can solve this?
This error on previewing a social forum:

De controller Waindigo_SocialGroups_ControllerPublic_SocialCategory definieert geen actie genaamd CreateSocialForumPreview.
I'm not Dutch but my best guess says theis means the controller doesn't have that action defined.
"The social forum creator is not able to leave the group" when I tried to delete a group I created. Why? In permissions under options, I've enabled deleting for creator.

I get the same error message when trying to delete a social forum. Any ideas how I can solve this?

As a workaround (if it works), can you re-assign the owner to someone else and then you can delete the group - as long as admins are set up to be able to delete any group.

It may work, just trying to help.
Waindigo updated Social Groups by Waindigo with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.14 released

New features:
  • Added extra support for Resource Manager, allowing resources to be created with threads in a specific social forum by including the social forum ID in the link URL.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed bug that unable to delete social forums due to being unable to delete the creator.
  • Added missing navigation buttons to bottom of the social category view page.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I had deleted social categories, now I have social forums listed on my profile that no longer exist. How to clear them out?
I was trying to start over fresh with reinstallation.
I had to go in and delete social forums from xf_social_categories table
I would guess that you need to rebuild forum caches.
Admin -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Forum Information
Admin -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Social Forum Information

Maybe the latter will be enough.
I would guess that you need to rebuild forum caches.
Admin -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Forum Information
Admin -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Social Forum Information

Maybe the latter will be enough.

thank you kindly
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Is there a better way to remove the "Social Groups" tab from the user profile page?
Right now I just deleted the content of...


I want to do this because it shows the thread title in the last post area even if the user does not have permissions to see it.
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