[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I was referring to his:

Fatal error: Class 'Waindigo_SocialGroups_Model_Permission' not found in /home/andy/public_html/library/XenForo/Model.php on line 195

I got the exact same error, just fixed it via my instructions.
Did you download the add-on from somewhere other than XenForo Resource Manager?

Do you know the query I could use by chance?
UPDATE xf_thread SET node_id = XXXX AND social_forum_id = YYYY WHERE thread_id = ZZZZ
Did you download the add-on from somewhere other than XenForo Resource Manager?

UPDATE xf_thread SET node_id = XXXX AND social_forum_id = YYYY WHERE thread_id = ZZZZ

Nope, as I said I had a previous version installed, not sure which one to be honest with you, uploaded the new files, upgraded the xml, got the error, just started fresh.

And thanks for the query!
Did you download the add-on from somewhere other than XenForo Resource Manager?

UPDATE xf_thread SET node_id = XXXX AND social_forum_id = YYYY WHERE thread_id = ZZZZ

Hey :)

So I'm trying to figure out these permissions hoping for a bit of help.

What we want is this:

Gaming Groups <-- Social Category
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Group 3

We want our regular registered users to be able to see the groups, but not the threads in them... but be able to request to join. I hope this is possible...

Found the answer in the old thread :)
Bug Report: When deleting threads from any forum-section (not per see) in social-forums -- but within Xenforo-sub-forums...
Yes -- the message is deleted! BUT -- the sub-forum post count is not decremented! and the deleted message still is showing
under the "Latest Message"... and if someone clicks that -- says post not found...
I LOVE this addon -- but can't use until this problem is corrected that interferes with threads being deleted!
I did a lot of testing to isolate this bug -- and for sure it is this addon causing the problem!
Yes! will consider a donation -- once it become useable and I can implement it without problems!
Seems only this one bug is preventing me from implementation...
hope it's fixed real quick -- and I can continue working with it!
thanks for responding - much appreciated!
Cheers - from Raydianze
Yes! will consider a donation -- once it become useable and I can implement it without problems!
Seems only this one bug is preventing me from implementation...
hope it's fixed real quick -- and I can continue working with it!
thanks for responding - much appreciated!
Cheers - from Raydianze
Haven't tested this, but in library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/DataWriter/Discussion/Thread.php try replacing:
protected function _updateContainerPostDelete()
    if ($this->get('social_forum_id'))
        $containerDw = $this->_getSocialForumDataWriter($this->get('social_forum_id'), $this->_errorHandler);
        if ($containerDw)
            if ($containerDw->hasChanges())
protected function _updateContainerPostDelete()
    if ($this->get('social_forum_id'))
        $containerDw = $this->_getSocialForumDataWriter($this->get('social_forum_id'), $this->_errorHandler);
        if ($containerDw)
            if ($containerDw->hasChanges())
So I can create groups that others can't read? Last time I checked, I could not manage to do that. Joinable yes, but everybody could see the contents which I would like to block. Is that possible?

Thanks for your response :)
So I can create groups that others can't read? Last time I checked, I could not manage to do that. Joinable yes, but everybody could see the contents which I would like to block. Is that possible?

Thanks for your response :)
Yes. This add-on is incredibly flexible. Some would say too flexible (and hence too difficult to configure). If you don't want normal users to read threads, then you will need to revoke (or never give in the first place) that permission for the Social Category using the normal XenForo Node permissions system. You can read about that here: http://xenforo.com/help/permissions/

You then need to "add back" that permission using the Social Groups by Waindigo options in the Admin CP for members of a social group.

Hope that makes some sense.
It's not important.... But I'll document it for keep sake

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
      <errors><error>The requested page is unrepresentable as RSS.</error></errors>

Got that when trying to view the RSS Feeds from social groups.

Again, not important per say... I really do not use rss feeds (don't recall many who do).
It's not important.... But I'll document it for keep sake

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
      <errors><error>The requested page is unrepresentable as RSS.</error></errors>

Got that when trying to view the RSS Feeds from social groups.

Again, not important per say... I really do not use rss feeds (don't recall many who do).
Thanks. I think I may have fixed this already (in the latest unreleased version) but I will check.
Yes. This add-on is incredibly flexible. Some would say too flexible (and hence too difficult to configure). If you don't want normal users to read threads, then you will need to revoke (or never give in the first place) that permission for the Social Category using the normal XenForo Node permissions system. You can read about that here: http://xenforo.com/help/permissions/

You then need to "add back" that permission using the Social Groups by Waindigo options in the Admin CP for members of a social group.

Hope that makes some sense.
Thanks in the first place,
but this does not actually solve my problem. When I play around with the permissions I can take the ability to view social group and allow only members to see them. Sounds great, but that means that all the groups are completly hidden for the normal user (not a member of any group), that means he does not know that they exist in the first place... :S.
What I would suggest - and I hope you like that Idea - is that there is a permission to only allow members to view threads within a group, but show the group and group overview page to everyone. So there would be a text like "you must be a member to view the content". The easiest way for a creator would be a setting (while creating a group) to set it to "private". I made a very bad preview via MS Paint (don't wonder, it's part German)

As a "guest"/not a member: (the description is also added via paint to make things clear)

As a member:

What do you think?
I (and I guess a lot of other users too) would love you even more for that feature :D

Greetings from Germany,
Noticed a regular error in my Server Log ...

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'social_forum.user_id' in 'on clause' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77

occurring from /find-new/threads. Definitely have user_id in xf_social_forum
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