[TH] Shorter Routes [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Jon W submitted a new resource:

Shorter Routes by Waindigo - Replaces /forums/title.123/ and /threads/title.123/ links with /title.f123/ and /title.t123/ links.

This add-on replaces the standard forums and threads routes with shorter routes. This has the potential to optimise your search engine rankings by having important keywords closer to your domain name.

A link to a forum that would usually look like this:
would be replaced with:

A link to a thread that would usually look...

Read more about this resource...
It may be conflicting with another add-on. Login to your admin control panel and try disabling other add-ons.
What add-on is it conflicting with?

I don't think it's in conflict with one. The site is having problems with the BD Image addon from time to time. After disabling it, the site returned to normal.

I'm using your add-on but the language I'm using for my categories/forums/threads is French.
Therefore, for a category/thread/forum which content a special character like éèàê,... I get an error message => page cannot be found.

Is this normal?

Thanks. :)
@Jon W

I'm interested in using this for my personal site and possibly having some upgrades done to it for the community for greater/easier URL Manipulation. How does it interact with the built in sitemap generator for xF?

Will the new URLs be sent to google or the old ones?
All links are replaced with the new ones, so this will include the sitemap.

Excellent. You should elaborate on that a little more in the addon description. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wondered.

But I also slave over webmasters and analytics and other self hosted tools, so I might be the only weirdo :P.
Excellent. You should elaborate on that a little more in the addon description. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wondered.

But I also slave over webmasters and analytics and other self hosted tools, so I might be the only weirdo :p.
Done. Thanks for the review.
@Jon W

Simply Excellent! This add-on should be in the core functionality in XF! (y)

This add-on seems to override route filters. I want this to work only for the threads and not the forum nodes... is there any toggle option in the admin panel to achieve it? I would like to setup forum nodes via route filters, as my old vbulltin forum urls are exactly the same as in xf nodes with the helps of router filters. For example:

Old vBulletin Forum url: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/announcements/ becomes...
New URL set via route filter: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/announcements/

However, as thread urls are going to change anyways in XF setup so there should be no issues using your add-on as far as thread urls are concerned...

Please advice on how to disable your add-on for threads.

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