[TH] Random Key Generator [Deleted]

Prepare to be amazed...


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is it possible to allow users a certain amount of keys? Maybe more than one? Furthermore, is it possible to give a permission to a user to update his key with a new one?
is it possible to allow users a certain amount of keys? Maybe more than one? Furthermore, is it possible to give a permission to a user to update his key with a new one?
Not with this version, but could definitely add options like these. How would you want the multiple keys to be stored? As a comma separated list?

This is a very, very basic add-on, so anything more would require someone to contribute. Please PM me if you are interested.
Could you create an addition to the add-on to have the keys generated on signup rather than with a button? If so how much would it cost me for such a copy, or would you do so for free?
Could you create an addition to the add-on to have the keys generated on signup rather than with a button? If so how much would it cost me for such a copy, or would you do so for free?
Please send me a PM to discuss.
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