[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons

[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons 1.1.1 Patch Level 1

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before you had sent me your add-on...
Not my addon ;)
but glad you guys are looking into it. I think this is the best node icon addon out for XF2, it would be a shame to see it go to waste as your styles and templates take off!
Oops, similar usernames threw me off :p

But yeah, we have a copy of that add-on now so we should be able to resolve any issues causing the clash, but chances are you can just disable the template modification in ours if you want to use the other one :)
Did you take this functionality out of the UI.X theme?

Yes, we split it out into a separate add-on so it can be used on other styles as well. When you purchase UI.X you will automatically get a license for [TH] Nodes with it though :)
Is it possible to position / size an image so rather than it stretch the entire node it's just floats right?

Also is there any docs on how to style each of the font colors individually to a custom colour?

You can change only one of the fonts through the options directly.
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@Mike Creuzer and @Ian Hitt couple of things, if you dont mind....

1) When there is a background image added is there a way to ensure it does not remove the custom block footer image? Or is there a style property somewhere to manage the block footer when an image is added? I can force the image to display with css but can't figure it out via a style property.

.has-flexbox .thNodes__nodeList .block-container .th_node--hasBackground .block-footer

background: #f9fafa url("http://domain.com/image.jpg");

2) When there is less or more text on a grid is there a way you can unsure consistent sizing of the footer block image? In this case the description of each one was shorter / longer so it alters the size of the block footer.

Hope I have the terminology right but hopefully the pic explains it.

One final thing, when I restore down the browser window on Chrome and then go back to full width the node grids go from a two layout to a three layout. Is this a known issue?

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ow on Chrome and then go back to full width the node grids go from a two layout to a three layout. Is this a known issue?

1. We will add a fix for this so that it will allow you to overwrite with an image.

2. This is a known issue, and I am investigating a fix for this still.

3. This is intentional. You can set the rules for your grid in the admin panel. By default they have a minimum width of (I believe) 250px or so. So it will fit as many as it can, and break the rest to new lines.
Is it possible to position / size an image so rather than it stretch the entire node it's just floats right?

Also is there any docs on how to style each of the font colors individually to a custom colour?

You can change only one of the fonts through the options directly.

1. It is really only intended for fully sized background images (it adds overlays to the entire node.) If you wanted to add a background image without having the text color change and the overlay added, then you should do so with custom CSS. If you do want the text color to change and the overlay color added, then you can use custom CSS to re-size/position the background image.

2. Unfortunately you can only set 1 font color. If you would like to be more specific, you should use custom CSS.
1. We will add a fix for this so that it will allow you to overwrite with an image.

2. This is a known issue, and I am investigating a fix for this still.

3. This is intentional. You can set the rules for your grid in the admin panel. By default they have a minimum width of (I believe) 250px or so. So it will fit as many as it can, and break the rest to new lines.

Thanks @Ian Hitt with the grid panel resetting to three instead of two.

If the grid is two side by side at full screen and then I minimise it and expand the window size back to the same size the grid changes to three.

Shouldn't it be two as it was originally vs the three?

Also one other thing when you add a background image that has a white background it is adding a grey shadow to the grid is there a way to stop a shadow color from appearing as it overwrites images that have a white background?

Thanks a bunch for the help looking awesome!
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[TH] Nodesjs/themehouse/global/20170817.min.js
Unexpected contents

No idea.

This is just because UI.X and [TH] Nodes use a common js file between them to prevent some duplication, there was a minor change made to this file and the file rename was missed, no breaking changes or anything so it's safe to ignore until we get an update out for [TH] Nodes :)
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