[TH] Monetize [Deleted]

when used in combination with UI.X 2 on XF 2.2 with everything updated, the /account/upgrades page is all messed up ( I have 5 account upgrades available, you may not see the issue unless you have that many )

I had too many issues with the upgrade and reverted the upgrade, I will wait another 6 months before trying again
I am able to replicate issues with some styling that needs some improvement indeed. I'm gonna go ahead and get an issue reported on this now so that it can be improved in a future update :)

Thanks for the report!

Update: Seems to be some styling issues with some of the shapes as well.
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I use the add-on for a while now but I do not find the solution to send an automatic message just after the expiration of an upgrade.
My goal is to send the message within the 2 days AFTER the upgrade expiration.

I do this in "User upgrade criteria":

How to define a date criteria in order to say "the account is expired for 2 days" in order to send this email only afer expiration and not a recurring way?


I use the add-on for a while now but I do not find the solution to send an automatic message just after the expiration of an upgrade.
My goal is to send the message within the 2 days AFTER the upgrade expiration.

I do this in "User upgrade criteria":
View attachment 240895

How to define a date criteria in order to say "the account is expired for 2 days" in order to send this email only afer expiration and not a recurring way?


Hello David,

I'd suggest looking into downloading our [TH] User Criteria Extended add-on as it adds some advanced criteria into your forum which you can use on multiple add-ons such as [TH] Monetize. I have investigated the above and found a type of criteria for Subscriptions (for Monetize) that you could use. Take a look at the criteria under Advanced Criteria and see if any of those fits with your use case.

Have a look! Hope this helps :)
Hello Dalton,
I have already installed the [TH] User Criteria Extended add-on.
It seems that it does not really add useful criteria for my needs :

My need is to have a criterai allowing to filter on :
"User has an upgrade expired for 2 days"


Hi Dalton,

Thanks for the information.

So I try a different way.
I would like to send the message to all members whose the upgrades have expired.

I do it this way :

It is strange, nothing happens when I use this criteria.
I have of course several members having expired upgrades but this selection send just no messages at all.

Do yo have an idea about the mistake I might do?

Thanks for your kind help

Will this addon be getting any updates soon? I've reported an error it was throwing in the dashboard, and now since upgrading to 2.2 I see even more.

  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public:post_macros:post_footer is unknown
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:632

  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public:post_macros:post_last_edit is unknown
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:632
#4 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(799): XF\Template\Templater->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\Monetize\XF\Template\Templater), Array, NULL)
Hello, This monetized is a wonderful addon for xenforo and I have been your theme fan since sometime back.
I have a few questions. Can it be use to send to people who registered in a number of days. Example: Send to users who registered yesterday, 7 days ago and 30 days ago.
That would greatly help us to reduce sending upgrade pm manually to them. I understand that there is no default criteria in XF2 to achieve this. Can you all do it?
Please note that I do use This Plugin in addition to Monetize so some of what I write may use the extended settings........

If you go into the Monetize section of the AdminCP you can select “Manage Emails” and start a new email to be sent. Under the “User Criteria” there’s are options labeled “User has been registered for at least X days” and “User has been registered for no more than X days” that you should be able to use.

So for an email to users who joined a week ago you can select set it up where users are joined at least 7 days ago but not more than 8 days ago.
I think this is useful for us to add to documentation, some examples @Dalton Prock @victoriad - should not be confusing to set up
{looks at the date from this series of posts.... 2019! :eek: }

Having Amazon & eBay as examples in the docs would still be nice.

Robin Williams What Year Is It GIF
This is because it defaults to Monthly and it looks like neither of the subscriptions are monthly - I'll try and add some checks for this to select the correct tab by default.

Yes please solve this, I don't use monthly so this leads to alot of confusion and lost revenue

@est3ban129 in the meantime I just setup a redirect
/account/upgrades -> /account/upgrades?filter=all

That ensures people actually see the memberships...
Yes please solve this, I don't use monthly so this leads to alot of confusion and lost revenue

@est3ban129 in the meantime I just setup a redirect
/account/upgrades -> /account/upgrades?filter=all

That ensures people actually see the memberships...
We have a new version of this ready to go which only shows the filters if there are both monthly and annual upgrades available, and also includes an option to disable the filters even if you do have both types. This should be released shortly.
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