[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal 1.0.6

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I think that's maybe a little bit harsh. I too did not have a bug addressed by this addon in the latest release, despite some personal assurance that it would be. That said, the customer service of TH has always been some of the best of any developer on XF, and they've always responded to my questions and complaints, which is why i use like 10+ of their addons in my main production site. I messaged them about my display bug in this addon that got overlooked and we were able to come up with a solution that while wasn't 100% it was enough to resolve the issue in my mind until the next release. I'd suggest getting in contact with them before completely writing them off.
So over four months later now. Has that bug been fixed yet? :unsure:
i already said we came up with a solution. not sure why you're bothering me about this.
Because if it was actually a bug, it would seem likely that other people would encounter it, and would maybe rather not have to seek out special help to resolve it, when it should ideally just work from the get-go. But you seem to maybe be implying that it wasn't really a bug, just something not working as you wanted for a special-use case.... Whatever, you weren't compelled to reply, and no need to reply to this either. Sorry to distract you from whatever very important thing you were doing, lol.
Anyone running a live demo of this they care to share (publicly or privately)? Particularly interested in the widget layouts which the demo doesn't really show. Are there any planned updates for this guy?
Anyone running a live demo of this they care to share (publicly or privately)? Particularly interested in the widget layouts which the demo doesn't really show. Are there any planned updates for this guy?

It's basically does what says. Using it for a while, and is not bad.
I'm sort of running it, LOL.

It's there, it works, runs fine. The problem is that it's a lot of work to add fresh content etc and other projects have taken priority. Not the theme's fault, just the crazy year and new focus.

I prefer the look of this one and the functionality of XenPorta. Kind of a tie.
I'm sort of running it, LOL.

It's there, it works, runs fine. The problem is that it's a lot of work to add fresh content etc and other projects have taken priority. Not the theme's fault, just the crazy year and new focus.

I prefer the look of this one and the functionality of XenPorta. Kind of a tie.

XenPorta look OK. But I decided not go for it because of copyright, it cost double to get rid of. So at the moment happy with TH featured threads. Wish they add more features.
XenPorta look OK. But I decided not go for it because of copyright, it cost double to get rid of.
Really? A single line of copyright/credit info was a deal breaker?

You do realize nobody ever looks at that stuff, right? If they're reading the copyright notice at the bottom of your page, you need more compelling content!
Really? A single line of copyright/credit info was a deal breaker?

You do realize nobody ever looks at that stuff, right? If they're reading the copyright notice at the bottom of your page, you need more compelling content!

I don’t want to turn my forum into advertising shop for developers. If I’ll use every single addon with copyright at the bottom, I’ll probably have to charge developers for advertising, anyway, I’m happy with TH featured threads.
Really? A single line of copyright/credit info was a deal breaker?

You do realize nobody ever looks at that stuff, right? If they're reading the copyright notice at the bottom of your page, you need more compelling content!
If it is just your every day site, then there isn't much purpose worrying about copyrights. But if you're using a large number of add-ons, it can get a bit heavy with the number of copyright notices. It can also get very expensive to remove them.

For example, my site is currently on XF1, and I have not paid for copyright removal for everything (or rather I have not updated all of the mods with the copyright removal option as we're in the process of updating the site). So depending on the page there are ~6-7 copyrights shown, and it's fairly heavy and cluttered. My current estimate for all the copyright removals for XF2 is around $1000-1200 currently, most of which are DBTech Global and XenForo copyright removal (neither of which I have any issue paying to remove obviously).

That said, copyright notices being displayed is up to the developer, and buying the removal is up to the site owner. If it's something that they feel strongly about then obviously it is going to change their opinion one way or another.
That's great. Any hint of a timeline on this one? I'm in need of a widget based solution to dress up our homepage so this may work as I do prefer grid based approaches.
As Mike said it is currently in the works but as far as an ETA of release we don't have one as of yet. Once we get closer I'll leave a response here.
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