Tell W3C: We don't want the Hollyweb


Well-known member
I'm honestly not really informed correctly on this and don't have much knowledge on it plus our country does not get too involved in things like these, but if true, it sure is something worth taking a look at, I definitely would hate to see DRM implemented in HTML code, it'd give me brain farts 24/7.
Copyright, patents, and cost will continue to be the death of productivity and advancements. You would be surprised what has already been invented & what technology is out there, but it is limited, restricted, or flat out denied for these reasons.
Hollywood is at it again. Its latest ploy to take over the Web? Use its influence at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to weave Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) into HTML5 — in other words, into the very fabric of the Web. Millions of Internet users came together to defeat SOPA/PIPA, but now Big Media moguls are going through non-governmental channels to try to sneak digital restrictions into every interaction we have online. Giants like Netflix, Google, Microsoft, and the BBC are all rallying behind this disastrous proposal, which flies in the face of the W3C's mission to "lead the World Wide Web to its full potential."

Some have mistakenly thought this proposal would finally end the use of proprietary browser plugins like Silverlight and Flash. In reality, this would only make it easier for companies to achieve the same purpose via hooks in HTML itself. The difference would only be on paper; in practice, users would experience the very same unethical restrictions, platform incompatibilities, and device limitations as with proprietary browser plugins.

The W3C can't stop companies from trying to use DRM on the Web, but it can certainly withhold its endorsement and make it clear that it won't help them do their dirty work.

I guess I'd rather have it in HTML than when Intel wanted to bake it into the CPU.
or did they do that anyway.
The W3C spec is not DRM. Some other DRM technology is needed for certain modes, which is basically how Flash and Silverlight achieve this (NPAPI).

So, a plugin-free web that requires plugins. Spiffy.
I notice the "disastrous proposal" is just disinteresting looking enough so as you don't really want to read through it. But even after just looking over what I could understand, this seems to be the opposite of Digital Rights Management, as it's generally defined.
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