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Tapatalk - XenForo support (iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, webOS, Nokia app)

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Well-known member

We have just released the official Tapatalk plugin for Xenforo as 1.0 version. Much work has been done to support it with the latest version of iPhone, iPad and Android app.

XenForo plugin also supports Moderation, on par with what we are currently offering for phpBB and vBulletin.

Currently the app does not yet support XF Private Conversation, Alerts, News Feed and Likes, - all these will be supported in next version of iPhone update and the subsequent versions of Android.

** Update May 15th - Likes, Alerts, News Feed functions are now available on iPhone. Android to follow **

As it is still in a version 1.0 product, we encourage you to post any issues you by replying to this thread, we will work with you to improve it further.

If you have not heard of Tapatalk, feel free to visit our website at http://tapatalk.com

To install:
  1. Download the zip package to your computer.
  2. Unzip the package and upload contents of 'upload' folder to your forum directory
  3. Login to your forum Admin Control Panel and go to Home->Install Add-on
  4. Install the file 'addon-Tapatalk.xml' in the plugin package.
Add your forum record to the Tapatalk Network:
  • To get your forum listed in the app, you will need to "publish" your forum to the network by sign-in to our Forum Owner Area, at http://tapatalk.com/plugin.php

Details of changelog can be found at http://tapatalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5533

Changlog for 1.0.1

1. added custom board icon support (refer to this thread for instruction of customization)
2. fixed post body is blank issue when bbcode is on and the body content has '&' character.
4. added topic's stickiness status
5. fixed moderation tabs' topic/post/report reply number issue
6. fixed moderation tabs' topic/post/report permission flag not return issue
7. fixed deprecated code in xmlrpc
8. fixed minor bug in search post
9. fixed cookies issue with tapatalkdetect.js

Changelog for 1.0.2

1. fixed private forum verification issue
2. fixed lack of spacing after quote "said:"
3. hide empty category
4. ability to ban user

Changelog for 1.1.0

1. Ability to filter sub-forum (via Admin CP)
2. Fixed timezone issue
3. Fixed Participated topics performance issue
4. Fixed subscribe topic issue

Changelog for 1.1.1

1. Fixed class redeclare issues appear on browser

Changelog for 1.1.2

1. fix compatibility issue with XenForo 1.1.0
2. fix a few warning message issues and minor bugs


Testing now, works good so far.

I couldnt find any settings to play around with on my XF admin board? Also is there a way to block specific forums? Cheers

Also, i had over 99+ undread messages. tried to mark all as read and the program crashed. I use iphone4
Testing now, works good so far.

I couldnt find any settings to play around with on my XF admin board? Also is there a way to block specific forums? Cheers

Also, i had over 99+ undread messages. tried to mark all as read and the program crashed. I use iphone4

Hello ddmmh,

Majority of the settings are managed in the Forum Owner Area, where you publish your forum, where you can set the Admob ID, hide it from the iPad users and turn off the Tapatalk signature etc. :)

We are looking into the Mark Read crash issue.
Nice going to install this on my forum tomorrow night when I launch. Good work on this guys!
It would be nice to be able to filter out some forums from visibility on tapatalk..

I have some rss feeds that I read in. They really shouldn't be in tapatalk as users will never find the real posts in unread then.
What happens to those who have been beta testing this?
Is this release newer than what we have been using?
I tried to upgrade my beta version but it has error "Please enter a valid callback method."
Hello ddmmh,

Majority of the settings are managed in the Forum Owner Area, where you publish your forum, where you can set the Admob ID, hide it from the iPad users and turn off the Tapatalk signature etc. :)

We are looking into the Mark Read crash issue.

Thanks for that.

Will there be a way to control what forums users can read on a mobile device?
What happens to those who have been beta testing this?
Is this release newer than what we have been using?
I tried to upgrade my beta version but it has error "Please enter a valid callback method."

Hello Andy,

Yes it is newer than the private beta and we suggest you remove the beta plugin and reinstall. :)
It would be nice to be able to filter out some forums from visibility on tapatalk..

I have some rss feeds that I read in. They really shouldn't be in tapatalk as users will never find the real posts in unread then.

It will be certainly taking care of. :)
Got it installed properly.
Would be nice to have a changelog and see what's available currently. Even when I tell my users that a new version is out, I can't tell them what's new about it
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