XF 2.1 Tagging


Well-known member
I've noticed something rather odd. Not quite sure if it's a bug or the reason behind why it's doing this.

But when I tag a content, in this instance, Resident Evil 3, it will create the following URL: /tags/resident-evil-3-2/
No idea why it is adding a -2 onto the end here.

When I tag a post with Resident Evil only, it will create the following URL: /tags/resident-evil-3/
Not sure why it is adding -3 onto the end here.

Resident Evil 2 seems to be the only one that isn't affected by this (I think).

Do I have misunderstanding here of how content tagging works? It seems a bit confusing to me with how it's arranged as described above, especially when it comes to linking to tags in content. For example: https://www.joyfreak.com/articles/resident-evil-resistance-isnt-actually-canon-confirms-capcom.165/

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