Fixed Tables without primary keys?


Well-known member
Affected version
So, I am looking at MySQL 8 with row level replication. I really wanted to use the setting, force primary key on each table. However, some XenForo tables don't appear to have a primary key. Examples: xf_oauth_client, xf_oauth_request

Is there a reason to not have primary keys for these tables? Or am I crazy trying to use that setting?

PS - Apologies if this is not a bug report. Go ahead and move it to the right place. (maybe enhancement request?)
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.3.5).

Change log:
Ensure xf_oauth_client and xf_oauth_request have primary keys.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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