XF 1.5 Table format?


Active member
So I finally started trying to use tables on the forum but they don't work.
what is the correct way to format this?

    [th][B]The Case:[/B] [/th]
    [th][B]3D Printer Pens:[/B] [/th]
    [th][B]Bag of PLA:[/B] [/th]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EKKDRTM]CableGuard CG-1500[/URL] 
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Printing-Homecube-Filament-Childrens-Development/dp/B01HOJ8G32]Homecube 3D Pen w/ LCD Screen[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Amzdeal-Printing-Ceramic-Genetation-Programming/dp/B01MY0IW72/]Amzdeal 3D Printing Pen[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Scribbler-3D-Pen-Printing-Different/dp/B00XATHTHU]Scribbler 3D Pen V3 w/ LCD Screen[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Amzdeal-Filament-1-75mm-Colors-Printing/dp/B01MZ2DOOM]Amzdeal 3D Pen Filament FLA 1.75mm [/URL]

    [th][B]Fan and Controller:[/B] [/th]
    [th][B]Fan Shroud:[/B][/th]
    [th][B]Sata Cables:[/B][/th]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-SP120-High-Performance-Twin/dp/B007RESFYK/]Corsair SP120 High Performance[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015BY38MG/]SMAKN PC Fan Hub Supports 6 Ports 12V 3pin Fan Cable[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Akust-80mm-120mm-Case-Adapter/dp/B010ARPXZO/]Akust Fan Mod 80mm to 120mm[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ENMFXLC/]SATA 22 Pin Male to SATA 7 Pin and 2 X 15 Pin SATA Female Connectors[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003YVP8VS/]Slimline 13 Pin SATA Male to 22 Pin SATA Female Cable Adapter[/URL]

    [th][b]Fan Filter:[/b][/th]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LXWK626/]Mudder Black Aluminum Heatsink Cooler Cooling Kit for Raspberry Pi 3, Pi 2, Pi Model B+, 10 Pieces [/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002BWXW6E/]ENZOTECH Memory Ramsink BMR-C1 (Forged Copper Heatsink) [/URL]
[*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/PartsCollection-Genuine-Heatsink-i7-3770K-Processor/dp/B01N1U56V1]Intel Genuine Copper Core Heatsink for i7-3770K[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Silicon-Power-SP120GBSS3S55S25AE-120GB-Internal/dp/B01M61OXRM]Silicon Power 120gb S55[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/Silicon-Power-SP120GBSS3S60S25AE-Ultra-slim-Internal/dp/B01MA1GJVK/]Silicon Power 120gb S60[/URL]
 [*] [URL=https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003U3TP6Y/]DEMCiflex 140mm Dust Filter, Square[/URL]
I haven't setup any custom bb codes.
I tried searching for table bbcodes but the only one i really found was an unmaintained one by you i think, that was a plugin?
There a guide somewhere about setting those up?
You will need table bb code otherwise it won't work.

The resource I added is just regular table bb code - it doesn't require any maintenance, as such.
You can either use that or create your own (using that as a guide/reference).
actually installed yours a little after the other post.
works perfect, can see it in action here http://unitedstreamers.net/threads/...-to-portable-desktop-w-excessive-cooling.383/

the only issue i had was where trying to copy and past the above code tossed a ton of space between tables. i removed the excessive tables, and slimmed down the text to make them a bit shorter.
I'm on ultra wide so sometimes what works for me, doesn't really look good at standard 720/1080

Thanks for that resource!
the only issue i had was where trying to copy and past the above code tossed a ton of space between tables
There's a note regarding that in the resource and how to prevent it.

I also wrap my tables in an div with overflow, which automatically adds horizontal and vertical scrollbars
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