[SultanTheme.com] Futuris [Paid] [Deleted]


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napy8gen submitted a new resource:

[SultanTheme.com] Futuris - Future is space

Hi Guys,

Here is our infamous, Futuris. for vbulletin this is a hot skin.
Please support us. Thank you.



Compatible with Xenforo version 1.1.4
free email and forum support.

Read more about this resource...
Welcome to Xenforo world!
Glad to see gr8 vB designer here.:)

Thank you Miner for greeting me. I should have come earlier but I think better late than never. Xenforo by far has the better user experience from vb5.
For me you are the greatest vb designer of all :-)
Style looks great from the screenshots. I tried to view a live demo of the style but couldn't reach your site/forum.
This style is not responsive? It's too wide for my 1168px x 880px screen and does not respond when window made smaller. Over laps on the right.
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