Lack of interest [suggestion] Track the edit date for templates

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Mike Tougeron

Well-known member
It'd be nice to track when a template has been last edited. Possible patch is below. The one thing I'm not sure about is in the import* methods whether or not the imported value for last_modified_date will be retained.

ALTER TABLE xf_template ADD COLUMN last_modified_date INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;

XenForo_DataWriter_Template::_getFields() line 80:
'version_string'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'maxLength' => 30, 'default' =>''),
'last_modified_date' => array('type' => self::TYPE_UINT, 'default' => 0)

XenForo_DataWriter_Template::_writeMetaDataDevFileOutput() line 328-330:
    $metaDataFile, $title, $data, array('version_id', 'version_string', 'last_modified_date')

XenForo_DataWriter_Template::_preSave() insert after line 225:
if ( $this->hasChanges() ) {
    $this->set('last_modified_date', XenForo_Application::$time);

XenForo_Model_Template::importTemplatesAddOnXml() line 719:
'version_string' => (string)$template['version_string'],
'last_modified_date' => (isset($template['last_modified_date']) ? (int)$template['last_modified_date'] : XenForo_Application::$time)

XenForo_Model_Template::importTemplatesStyleXml() line 769:
'version_string' => (string)$template['version_string'],
'last_modified_date' => (isset($template['last_modified_date']) ? (int)$template['last_modified_date'] : XenForo_Application::$time)

XenForo_Model_Template::appendTemplatesAddOnXml() insert after line 793:
$templateNode->setAttribute('last_modified_date', (isset($template['last_modified_date']) ? (int)$template['last_modified_date'] : XenForo_Application::$time));

XenForo_Model_Template::appendTemplatesStyleXml() insert after line 817:
$templateNode->setAttribute('last_modified_date', (isset($template['last_modified_date']) ? (int)$template['last_modified_date'] : XenForo_Application::$time));

I don't think XenForo_Model_Template::importTemplatesFromDevelopment() will need any changes since if the XML has been updated via the code above, line 642 $dw->bulkSet($metaData[$templateName]); should properly import the last_modified_date field.

edit: switched to PHP instead of CODE tags.
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