Lack of interest [Suggestion] Embed option for Individual Tweets!

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Well-known member
This can be considered as another absurd feature request on my part.

Twitter has become fairly popular and mainstream and I love to quote tweets on my blog.

But on my forum (vB4) I have to link to the tweet I am referring to.

Twitter provides this tool named Blackbird Pie that can be used to embed tweets in a blog post.

It generates a rather clumsy HTML code but it works nonetheless.

My request here would be an embed option for tweets. I suppose, I would be the only one looking for such a functionality here and it could be a pretty complicated feature to provide... :)
Upvote 3
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twitter integration is different from embedding individual tweets. :)

twitter integration would probably be similar to how facebook can be used to create an account here.

embedding tweets would be well quoting a tweet by having it displayed inside a post using the twitter blackbird pie engine. :)

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Lack of interest Embed Individual Tweets
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