Lack of interest [Suggestion] Editing Private Conversation Posts until Read

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The Sandman

Well-known member
Rather than a pre-set time limit for editing PC posts, why not have the edit button appear until the post is read by the recipient (or any recipient if there is more than one recipient)? Until the post is read it really doesn't matter if it's edited or when it was edited, and after it's read there is no reason to edit it.

Besides, this would be a slick way to indicate whether the PC post has been read or not. :)
Upvote 1
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Yeah I understand that - and that's what I take issue with. It's effectively an un-opt-out-able (!) read receipt, at least in a 1:1 conversation. If a user sets themselves as invisible for example, this leaks information. (It also leaks specific information for visible users too.)
Fair points.

I agree with you on the read receipt request too - I hate that functionality.
This just seemed like a good compromise to the various issues.
I agree with you on the read receipt request too - I hate that functionality.

I also agree - it's intolerable.

This just seemed like a good compromise to the various issues.

I guess it depends on which issue takes priority - if it's the guarding of invisibility status and keeping read status secret then obviously any clues to the read status would be unacceptable.

An option to choose between the current system in effect here and the one I suggested would be nice, but I can wait for an add-on. :)
Personally I think 10 minutes is perfect, for our/my uses.
  • Any shorter and I would have "oh noes! I sent the message to the wrong person!", or other silly mistake..
  • Any longer and I would get distracted and go do something else.
It doesn't bother me either way, I probably won't allow PC editing for longer than 2-3 minutes at a time. I don't want it based on a read marker for the reasons stated above :)
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