Implemented [suggestion] Admin search


Well-known member
I've just read yet another comment about admin "bloat" which I think is nonsense to be perfectly honest. The only time when bloat should cause an issue is if the developers are spending more time on extra features rather than concentrating on the main functionality.

However admin bloat is something that could only come from the mind of a VB user, who gets overwhelmed with the sheer amount of tickboxes, radio buttons and drop downs when they log into adminCP. I was one of them. However, for those who have entered the 21st century ;) , this is why this is a thing of the past.

IPB3 has an amazing admin search function, which allows you to... Well search the admin area. It's very effective and thorough. So for example if you wanted to look up Facebook Integration, you just type it into the search and the option appears with a small link to allow you to expand it to the full area of that option.

IPB3 has 10x more options than VB3 but yet I find navigating the admin area of IPB3 100x easier because of this. I really hope XF implements an admin search, as it's probably the best thing about IPB3 in my opinion. You can now even use it to search for specific members.
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