Lack of interest [Suggestion] Add IP address to User in AdminCP overview

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Well-known member
Yesterday, I removed a spammer from one of my boards. I banned the sob, but now I would not mind adding his IP address to the list of discouraged IPs. However, I cannot seem to be able to locate the IP address from inside the AdminCP.

I realize I can do a database query for it, but I would prefer being able to pull up a list inside the AdminCP. Unless I am overlooking something obvious, please consider adding this to the User profile in AdminCP.


Upvote 1
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If you only banned the member and soft deleted the content then you should be able to get the IP addresses from the user profile or posts using the Spam Cleaner.
Thanks Paul. Checking the user profile did the trick for me.

I'd still like to have the ability to just do this from inside the AdminCP, though.
Yesterday, I removed a spammer from one of my boards. I banned the sob, but now I would not mind adding his IP address to the list of discouraged IPs. However, I cannot seem to be able to locate the IP address from inside the AdminCP.

I realize I can do a database query for it, but I would prefer being able to pull up a list inside the AdminCP. Unless I am overlooking something obvious, please consider adding this to the User profile in AdminCP.

Some of your users might have hundreds of IP addresses.(Dynamic addresses,proxies)
Would you like to add all of them to that list?
Some of your users might have hundreds of IP addresses.(Dynamic addresses,proxies)
Would you like to add all of them to that list?

Perhaps not all. But if I have a spammer, chances are I only need to deal with a single address anyway. Perhaps the solution is to show the registration address, and the last 5 used addresses?

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