Suggestion about payment options


Active member
Now I have ordered xenforo license and have trouble. There is no normal payment options. I should pay with my credit card throught paypal.
Nothing personal, but this idiotic paypal don't transfer money from credit card to xenforo. I have paid money, paypal had write off money from my card and I receive some error from paypal merchant in the end of payment. Now I have no money (summ was writen off from my card), no license :( I have already written to paypal - to search my money. Hope, they will transfer money to xenforo account and I'll receive my license :(

I have a suggestion. Add, please, normal up-to-date payment options. License payments and Xenforo payment options inside cms for users. Like direct payment from credit card with normal merchant. Like bitcoins and cryptocurrency. In some countries it's very hard to work with paypal (I'm from Russia). The time, that I'll search my money with paypal, I'll paid with bitcoins 10 times already ;)

Thank you.
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