XF 2.2 Suddenly non-login users cannot see avatars and any images in posts.


Active member
They become empty.

But this only happens on my phone. I tried to install another browser but still the same.

In my PC, unregistered users still can see those without problems.

What could be the cause? I seemed to have deleted the browser data for my website but I wonder if that's the real cause because another browser has the same problem.

Just checked with another phone, same problem.

Just just found if I changed the website to mobile device view in chrome's inspection, the same problem occurs. But if I just shrink the width of the browser to something even narrower than the mobile device view, I don't see the problem. So it's not actually about the width of the viewable area but the device.
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Generally you have to turn your phone horizontally to see everything, make sure you allow your screen to rotate.

I mean for my website, I can't see all avatars and images in posts if I don't login and just view as a guest.

Such as the following avatars in my forum.



But the problem only occurs when it's viewed by a phone or in my Windows, I set the Chrome as a mobile device by inspection. It's nothing to do with the width of the viewable area.
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