Stylish Notices

Stylish Notices 1.1

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Rob submitted a new resource:

Stylish Notices - Gives extra styling flexibility for block notices


This add-on allows you to set a custom css class on BLOCK notices.

Once installed, you'll notice an additional "Notice Class" field, when adding or editing a block level notice.

I've included one style, "stripes".... if you give any block notice the "notice class" of "stripes" then you'll get a striped notice - the colours of which will depend on your style's pallet.

You can edit the stripes style, and also add your own...

Read more about this resource...
If anyone want's to share any additional styles here, I will consider including them, along with "stripes" in future builds.
All I ask, is that you use colour palette colour names where possible (eg. @primaryDarker) so that built in notice styles inherit from the installed style.
Hey @Rob I've found a small issue when disabling and re-enabling a notice. When the notice is re-enabled, the notice class becomes blank.
Any way to fix please?
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