XF 1.1 Styling notices


Well-known member
I would like to make a "Merry Christmas" banner appear at december 25th and I've made some tests. The only problem I'm facing is that my banner always appear inside the blue box. How can I make it disappear so only the image is shown?

Screenshot 12-2455905 alle 11.53.03.webp
I would like to remove completely the notice box so that only the image appear but maybe, as you say, is not possible. I'd like to display from time to time some images in that position and I've thought to use Notices so I don't have to modify any template but if you've another mean to do that I'd appreciate it...
Style Properties apply globally, as always.

Each notice can be individually styled by applying the styling directly into the notice and/or by using the relevant CSS class for each notice.
Go into the style properties >> notices >> main container and remove background/border (am I understanding the original issue?)

Edit: Add in the css into that specific notice

Thanks Shelley. This remove it from every notice but I would like to remove it only for a notice so I think it's necessary to have some css code to type in but I'm not able to figure it out...
Thanks Shelley. This remove it from every notice but I would like to remove it only for a notice so I think it's necessary to have some css code to type in but I'm not able to figure it out...

Could you link me to your forum?

edit: if your comfortable giving me admin access I'll style the notice for you. just direct me to the notice you want modified. If your not comfortable with that then atleast a link so i can take a look.
If you need admin access to my forum I've no problem giving it to you. Maybe should be better to put the styling code here so that could be useful for everyone. Let me know...
Try using just .notice_1 as the class.
that doesn't work either. I tried also using the notice name, but that didn't work either.

The board closed notice uses class:
<li class="panel Notice DismissParent notice_notice_board_closed">

But neither that or what you suggested work. I think I have to wait for your help entry and see if it clears thing up for me.
Create a new notice Andrea and add the following into the code area: This should remove the border, background from that specific notice you can then add in the logo html to display your xmas image. You will also have to uncheck "add default notice text styling". hopefully this will work for you and you can then take it from there by applying the image.
<style type="text/css">

.PanelScroller .panel {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

.PanelScroller .scrollContainer {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0 solid #A5CAE4;
<html code goes here>
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