Style properties: Tabs in property groups are failing


Active member

I have come a long way now in configuring and setting up my new forum platform. I have had some issues before. Fortunately everything has gotten straightened out so far.

Now to my problem I discovered today which possibly could be a bug. When I tried to do some style tweaking in the style properties it seems like something had broken. I chose a property group in style properties. In the view below in the picture I then tried to select one of many tabs showing up. But when I did it redirected me back to the style property list. Why?

property group.webp

I have gone trough all property groups and tested what happens when I try to click the tabs in each group. This is the result:

  1. Color palette - Working
  2. Conversation Essentials - Working
  3. Bookmarks - Not working
  4. General - Not working
  5. Building blocks - Working
  6. Header and navigation - Not working
  7. Notices - Not working
  8. Login bar - Not working
  9. Footer - Working
  10. Pagenav, link groups, tabs - Not working
  11. Sidebar - Working
  12. Forms - Not working
  13. Buttons - Working
  14. Overlays and tooltips - Not working
  15. Form-type overlays - Working
  16. Popup menus - Not working
  17. Forum list - Not working
  18. Node icons - Partly
  19. Discussion list - Not working
  20. Message layout - Working
  21. Message Elements - Not working
  22. BB Code Elements - Working
  23. Member list item - Not working
  24. Member profile page - Not working
  25. Widget framework - Working
I restored a backup with a clean installation of xenForo with som basic configurations (no add-ons). This is the result:

  1. Color palette - Working
  2. General - Working
  3. Building blocks - Working
  4. Header and navigation - Working
  5. Notices - Working
  6. Login bar - Working
  7. Footer - Working
  8. Pagenav, link groups, tabs - Working
  9. Sidebar - Working
  10. Forms - Working
  11. Buttons - Working
  12. Overlays and tooltips - Working
  13. Form-type overlays - Working
  14. Popup menus - Working
  15. Forum list - Working
  16. Node icons - Working
  17. Discussion list - Working
  18. Message layout - Working
  19. Message Elements - Working
  20. BB Code Elements - Working
  21. Member list item - Working
  22. Member profile page - Working
  23. Widget framework - Working
Everything is working fine. No issues with the tabs as before. Is it a specific add-on breaking the javascript?
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