Style Info

Style Info 1.2

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Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Style Info - Shows number of members using each style.


Shows number of members using each style.

(Example of Style Info page)

View attachment 148709

(Example of User Group Permissions)

View attachment 148710

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location is library/Andy.
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  4. Upload the addon-StyleInfo_v1.0.xml file.
  5. Click the Install Add-on...

Read more about this resource...
Thats great and long missed. Thanks to make this addon now. :)

Edit: Iam the first downloader - can I have flowers for? :D ;)
this only shows the first 4 styles on my site. also, a feature suggestion; if the number linked to a list of users using that theme, that would be super useful.
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