XF 2.3 Stuck on Processing on anything when upgrading to 2.3.4


I disabled the addons, then uploaded the addon updates, but something has gone wrong somewhere.

No matter what I do, whether it's updating an addon with the upgrade button or even XFMedia Gallery, it is just stuck on "Processing" or "Upgrading" and then nothing happens.

I have tried everything I can think of to fix this but essentially I have had to take the forum offline until I can fix this. Any help would be much appreciated.

If I dIsable all addons and use the default theme the forum is working, it's just nothing is able to upgrade. Simply put, not actions seem to be functioning.

Any help would be much appreciated to get this back up.

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Ok I got it to work on ones I wanted to update. I was being stupid.

However, I am still having the same problem and can't even import themes, it just sticks on "Processing" still. Nothing seems to work.
Ok I got it to work on ones I wanted to update. I was being stupid.

However, I am still having the same problem and can't even import themes, it just sticks on "Processing" still. Nothing seems to work.
We faced the same issue with a previous customer who tried to upgrade the forum himself. Unfortunately, we had to restore a forum from a backup and uninstall the addons that were causing conflicts with XF 2.3. After that, we ran the upgrade script and proceeded to update the remaining addons.
I hope you took a backup before because it's a significant upgrade and issues are expected in these cases.
Ok guys. I got the backup back online after restoring the backup but something weird is going on. There is something wrong somewhere as the text editor for making posts is not working, in the backend you can't edit templates. Something has gone wrong but this is a restored backup, files and database from the day before I attempted the upgrade so I can't see what the problem is.

I don't really care about the styles as I can redo those, but I do want to upgrade and save all the posts and users etc.

Getting really frustrated at the moment so any help I can get would put me out of my misery :)
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