$structure->getters VS normal getters? And cache?


Well-known member
When we use $structure->getters instead a normal getter?
When we use a cache for $structure->getters?
When we use $structure->getters instead a normal getter?
I don't really understand this question, but i'll try to anser it anyway:

Let's take a lokk at XF\Entity\User which has a getter is_user_admin.

So if you want to check if a user is a super admin you can do
if ($user->getIsSuperAdmin())


if ($user->is_super_admin)

It wouldn't matter which one you use if the getter was uncached, both would yield the exact same result (but using the virtual property might be more convenient)

When we use a cache for $structure->getters?
When it is okay to get cached results.

Let's take the user entity as an example again
$user = \XF::finder('XF:User', $userIdOfASuperAdmin);

if ($user->is_super_admin)
// will be executed when

$user->is_admin = false;
if ($user->is_super_admin)
// will still be executed due to cached getter result

if ($user->getIsSuperAdmin())
// will never be executed
Thank you.

If I want to use cached values, I use structure getters.

If I don't need cached values, I can use both ways.

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