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Strava 1.1

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MattW submitted a new resource:

Strava - strava bb code

View attachment 79712

Download and upload the Strava.php file to the library/MediaSites/ folder on your XenForo installation.

Media Site ID: strava
Site Title: Strava
Site URL:
Match URLs: #http://www\.strava\.com/activities/(?P<id>[0-9]+/embed/[a-z0-9]+)$#siU
Embed HTML: <see callback>

Advanced Options
Regular Expression Matching: check
URL Match Callback: MediaSites_Strava::extractParams
Embed HTML Callback: MediaSites_Strava::buildEmbed...

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This is pretty freaking cool Matt, my brother and I use this for biking mainly, fun little way of gaining friendly bragging rights :D. Nice job
I wanted to do a mini blog on my site for my 10K training plan, but both this and Garmin don't use SSL for their iframe widgets :(
Hey Matt,

My brother is going to do a 2.4 Mile Swim, 112 Mile Bike Ride, and a 26.2 Mile Run (A Marathon) -
He'll do that every day though, for a week. [details]. Personally, I think he's totallybarking mad.
Personally, I think he's totallybarking mad.
You and me both! That's insane! I helped someone at work train for an ironman 3 years ago, and I saw the amount of effort he had to put in for 6 months prior, and it took him 17.5 hours to finish. I can't even comprehend doing that 7 days in a row :eek:
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He could end up regretting it as that's a lot to put the body through.
Too much I would say.

The most I've ever done is 17 consecutive 10K/42m runs, earlier this year.
He's training for two years just for this. He's done several marathons and triathlons but nothing this mental, hence the two years training. It'll be in the summer, 2015. I dont know much else, but he's here if you wanna ask:-
Anyone else having any troubles getting this to work for XF 1.4? When I add the bbcode, create a "MediaSites" folder and upload the strava.php file to it and add the embed code into a post I get a login screen in the thread.

Anyone else having any troubles getting this to work for XF 1.4? When I add the bbcode, create a "MediaSites" folder and upload the strava.php file to it and add the embed code into a post I get a login screen in the thread.

I've not used it in a while (well ever in a production site, due to me running SSL). I'll take a look at some point and see what is happening.
Works OK on my test site running 1.4


There is a slight issue with how XenForo has shows the matched URL, so I'll update the resource to wrap it in code tags
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