StopBotResources - Stop Spam Bots From Hogging CPU and Bandwidth [Paid] [Deleted]

Well, you should have noticed that more than 95% of the bots are no longer hitting XenUtils...

If you haven't, then the API key may not have auto updated (the stopProxies API key should no longer be 2da6***********, if it is, let me know via private message and I'll update it for you)

But if you have a high ratio human:bot ratio, or a dedicated host, you wont notice any difference (the bots will be just background noise, removing this will be hardly noticeable). This plugin is just for those on low spec machines that have a high number of bots compared to humans (so much so, that the bots are hogging the server).

For most users, you wont notice a difference, it's not for most users. But if you are a start up forum, and you have a high number of bots, then this is almost essential and it will make a big difference
Thanks for the input. users are fairly low but bot registrations are approx 20 an hour but they all fail on time from XenUtiles, the ones that dont fail on time are then picked up by the other spam management registration checks. I guess all the bots dont use proxies then.
No, they all pretty much all use proxies....

Have you noticed a drop in attempts after installing this (is should have gone down from 20 and hour to less than 1 and hour... if not, can you check that your API key has updated (it doesn't currently auto update from https). By default, the API key is found in the ACP >> options >> Stop Proxies API key

If it hasn't auto updated, it will still be 2da6***********

If this is the case, let me know and we can manually set it (I've only come across one case where it didn't auto update, and it was a forum on https).
With all this back and forth, not really sure what to make of it :)
however, i did register on a forum the other day, and the forum
rejected me as being a spammer, not sure what spam measures were in place...
I am not a spammer, and it is obvious that spam addons are not perfect...
You can chase off bots, but you may just end up chasing off the living too....
With all this back and forth, not really sure what to make of it :)

This is a plug-in for small forums that have resource issues due to spam bots, this is a life saver for those forums (I needed it on a small forum, since I was taking up > 95 % CPU and hit my band width every month, I'm now far less than half, and it has stopped no humans).

I can not take the responsibly of other APIs that are not related to this plugin, especially when other API's rely on human submitted content (this is where many of the false positives come from). StopBotters and StopProxies do not rely on human submitted content

I'm not really sure what you are trying to make of whatever IT is?
do you have resource issues due to spam bots?
To be honest, I do not even know what to make of my new site at the moment....
I keep running into site down issues; Host says there are no issues; your ip is not banned...
Since the site is new, i would not think bots would be that good, but either way, I am
able to access my site sometimes, and other times I can not reach it, so I am not sure....

This is a plug-in for small forums that have resource issues due to spam bots, this is a life saver for those forums (I needed it on a small forum, since I was taking up > 95 % CPU and hit my band width every month, I'm now far less than half, and it has stopped no humans).

I can not take the responsibly of other APIs that are not related to this plugin, especially when other API's rely on human submitted content (this is where many of the false positives come from). StopBotters and StopProxies do not rely on human submitted content

I'm not really sure what you are trying to make of whatever IT is?
do you have resource issues due to spam bots?
It might just be that your server is oversold, you could ask the host to move you to another server.

Talk more to your host, and find out what the real issue it 1st. Many hosts try to get away with things by saying "it not happening now", or by suggesting it's your ISP. So try to prove it has happened

If you have CPanel installed, check your CPU resources and find out when / if it has peaked
In CPanel also check your server error logs, this will tell you when resource issues have occurred
<< get back to your host with the proof

If you still suspect bots, this plug-in is only going to be useful to those forums that need it (those with low resources and high % spam bots attempting)

If you are worried that this will detect non spam bots, talk to those users that use the anti-spam mechanism FoolBotHoneyPot or C. Deeming's registration timer, or CustomImgCaptcha (all of these use the stopbotters api)

But to be honest, if your forum is that new, it's not likely you will have made it on to many XRumer linklists yet (unless your niche is sort after)

Check your server access logs, this will give you and idea of how many bots are attempting to register (if you do have an issue with bots). Always expect to see bots attempting to register (a few hundred a day is nothing and will not have that much of an impact, even on low resource servers, but > 10,000's of bots will have an impact)

In CPanel also check Awstats, find out where most of your traffic is coming from (some countries are more responsible for spam than others), and find out how many users are coming in directly (rather than through search engines), these 2 things are good indicators of spam bot traffic

If you have found that you're not getting than many spam bots, but still seem to have resource issues, it might be worth looking for an alternative hosting provider :cry:

I hear ya buddy, and I am going back and forth with the host to see what the issue is....
I do not think I am on one of those cheap-cheaper hosts :) but if the problem is like
you say, then I would be surprised I guess; never had issues with them before....
something for sure seems to be killing the connection to my site, because I am
using one of those hide-my-ip sites, and I can see my site just fine, so the site does
appear to be online....

So how many bots are too many to need a bot blocker?
because I am
using one of those hide-my-ip sites, and I can see my site just fine, so the site does appear to be online....

Are you saying that you are getting an error 500 (is it an error 500) when you view your site with your own IP address, but when you check it with a proxy (hide-my-ip... site), then it looks fine? This does not sound like a resource issue

So how many bots are too many to need a bot blocker?
Too many is : the amount it takes to have a noticeable impact on your resources (so that depends on your resources).
I get this error via chrome: (when I go to my site)
The system returned: (110) Connection timed out
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again

When I use chrome via hide-my-url: site appears to be fine...

Same results through IE also...

and I have not had any issues visiting any other sites....

Are you saying that you are getting an error 500 (is it an error 500) when you view your site with your own IP address, but when you check it with a proxy (hide-my-ip... site), then it looks fine? This does not sound like a resource issue

Too many is : the amount it takes to have a noticeable impact on your resources (so that depends on your resources).
Then it does not sound like a hosting issue (or a resource issue).

It's local or your ISP

If you can ping the site, or connect to it with a proxy (as long as the hide-my-ip sites are not using cached content), but can not connect to it with your IP address, there is nothing wrong with the site, but something wrong with your connection.

I take it you can connect to other sites at that the point you get the 110?

When this next happens, try pinging the site, then at least you know it's not cached content and your sites is okay. Then you definitely know it's something local/isp (and nothing to do with the site/host)

How to ping my site:
Yes, I am connecting to this forum right now....
I did a live ping which stated: Success

Ok, so if it was local or ISP either way, then why would it
just happen to affect my own site, but yet I can access other sites?

I am still doing stuff for the host so they can attempt to track down the issue.

Then it does not sound like a hosting issue (or a resource issue).

It's local or your ISP

If you can ping the site, or connect to it with a proxy (as long as the hide-my-ip sites are not using cached content), but can not connect to it with your IP address, there is nothing wrong with the site, but something wrong with your connection.

I take it you can connect to other sites at that the point you get the 110?

When this next happens, try pinging the site, then at least you know it's not cached content and your sites is okay. Then you definitely know it's something local/isp (and nothing to do with the site/host)

How to ping my site:
Is this plugin still available for download? I purchased the account upgrade, and cannot find the download link for the install files.
No, you shouldn't have upgraded without discussing your forum size/ratio of bots.
I'll take away the upgrade option and refund you

Before paying for this upgrade, and receiving the plugin

Please PM Me the following details:

1) Your forum URL
2) The origin % from internet searches (this info is available in Awstats)
3) The % of time China visits your site (this info is available in Awstats)
4) Are you getting close to your CPU/ bandwidth limits?
5) From looking at your server access logs, can you approximate how many spam bots you get a day (they will attempt to register often several times)
6) How many users do you have online at peak hours?

... This is for both of us, I can figure out if this add-on will indeed help you, and your forum doesn't hog all of the resources.
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