Hi there!
I am fairly new to Xenforo and I tried to add spam phrase on my forum.
As you can see on the image, I tried to add "test" as spam phrase. However, it seems not working on my forum.
The user was still able to post it on my forum.
What options should I need to tweak in order for it to work?
My scenario is, I want to moderate or delete any post with this word/phrase. In a facebook group I created, it's very simple. I just need to add the words and anything that matches it will be added to moderation queue.
Example text to moderate:
t.me (https://t.me/ or http://t.me)
I am fairly new to Xenforo and I tried to add spam phrase on my forum.
As you can see on the image, I tried to add "test" as spam phrase. However, it seems not working on my forum.
The user was still able to post it on my forum.
What options should I need to tweak in order for it to work?
My scenario is, I want to moderate or delete any post with this word/phrase. In a facebook group I created, it's very simple. I just need to add the words and anything that matches it will be added to moderation queue.
Example text to moderate:
t.me (https://t.me/ or http://t.me)