Neil E.
Active member
The header bar above the thread list has several sections that allow for sorting by title, start date, replies, views and last message. From the thread_list template:
The sort by doesn't show up in the header bar. I'm sure I've seen it in the past, is there some condition required for it to show up? I also don't see the sort by on this support forum. What am I missing?
<dl class="sectionHeaders">
<dt class="posterAvatar"><a><span>{xen:phrase sort_by}:</span></a></dt>
<dd class="main">
<a href="{xen:link forums, $forum, '_params={$orderParams.title}'}" class="title"><span>{xen:phrase title}{xen:helper sortArrow, $order, $orderDirection, title}</span></a>
<a href="{xen:link forums, $forum, '_params={$orderParams.post_date}'}" class="postDate"><span>{xen:phrase start_date}{xen:helper sortArrow, $order, $orderDirection, post_date}</span></a>
The sort by doesn't show up in the header bar. I'm sure I've seen it in the past, is there some condition required for it to show up? I also don't see the sort by on this support forum. What am I missing?