XF 2.1 Some uploaded images are clickable and open in lightbox and some not


I dont understand one thing.

Maximum attachment image dimensions are set to 600 x 1000 pixels.

I upload 700x1100, it is resized but also clickable to open in a lightbox
I upload 1600x1200 it is resized but not clickable to open in lightbox.

I cant understand why.

I am unable to reproduce that.

The 700x1100 image is resized to 600x943.

The 1600x1200 image is resized to 600x450.

Insert both as full image and neither of them are clickable and able to be opened in the lightbox.
Hmmm strange. You can see the example here in this topic https://www.klusidee.nl/Forum/topic/fotos-plaatsen.129092/ insert as full image and clickable.

If you are taking about the brown rectangle in post 10, It's not clickable for me.

Ok weird, for me it is, loggedin and out. Thanks for thinking with me :)
It depends on your screen size. ;)

On your desktop view that link and open your browser so it's full screen. If the brown rectangle image is able to be displayed in it's full size then it isn't clickable. Now decrease the width of your browser to make it really small; the brown rectangle image should dynamically be resized so it fits in the smaller window. The image should now be clickable.
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