IMHO, stemming doesn't really help here as
hand ball and
handball don't have a common stem.
I've created a little
test thread that has two posts (one with
handball and another one with
hand ball) to demonstrate this.
Searching for
hand ball
View attachment 276648
Searching for
View attachment 276647
As can be seen from the sreenshots, only one of those posts is returned in either search.
The screenshot posted by
@Brogan might lead to the assumption that
handball was matched in the first post (as
hand is highlighted as part of handball), but this actually isn't the case (only
hand ball was matched in title and message):
Highlighting is done in XenForo (with a rather simple approach) while matching is done in ElasticSearch; to get accurate highlighting it would be ncecessary to also do highlighting in ElasticSearch.
If a search term is a stopword or appears as start of a word, it does get highlighted on the results page even though it was not being searched for. Steps to reprodue Configure Enhanced Search to use built-in stopwords for German Add content with title "Robust, leicht, top, zuverlässig - mit...
The real fix for this usecase (apart from the highlighting) would be support for
synonyms and
decompounder as handball is basically a compound word made of
hand and