[Solved] Getting a reference to a node (forum) from its ID


Active member
I am trying to add some fields to the RSS feed, initially the forum name, by using the Zend RSS setDescription method.

A problem I have is that the $thread object used to create the RSS entry contains a mass of information, including the node id, but not the node title:

[thread_id] => 208234
[node_id] => 29
[node_title] =>
[node_name] =>

I'm new to XF and am not a PHP developer so my best attempt at getting the missing title and adding it to the feed is (in XenForo/ViewPublic/Forum/GlobalRss.php):

 $forum_model = new XenForo_Model_Forum();
                        $forum = $forum_model->getForumById($thread['node_id']);

This works perfectly well, but seems to me very heavyweight. Instantiating a Forum Model and a Forum just to get a title seems wrong.

Can anyone tell me a better way of doing this?

the correct method seems to be:

$forum_model = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Forum');
RSS loop:

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