[SolidMean] Comprehensive URL Parser [Deleted]


Well-known member
SneakyDave submitted a new resource:

[SolidMean] Comprehensive URL Parser - Monetize your forum with practically any referral or affiliate program.

The ComprehensiveURLParser Addon is a great add-on for sites that want to monetize their content with affiliate programs and links.

This add-on (similar to the SolidMean Amazon/eBay URL Parser) allows admins to specify which domains to look for, and then either: 1) add tags/fields to the URL's with those domain names, or 2) replace the URL to the...

Read more about this resource...
Dave - can you explain a bit more how this will operate faster than the normal eBay/Amazon parser? The technicality is a bit lost on me but its definitely something I'm interested in.
It's a bit faster in a couple different ways, but probably not that noticeable.

The Amazon/eBay parser has to look through around 10 options (each) to see if a campaign ID or affiliate ID is set. This one only looks at the the affiliates you've chosen.

The Amazon/eBay parser overrides the ProxyOutput class to catch the hash_error thrown by changing the proxy link. This addon rebuilds the hash to prevent the problem.

I know the code base itself is smaller than the eBay/Amazon parser, so there's a slight memory benefit.

I'll do some comparisons on my local machine to show the difference.

But if the Amazon/eBay parser works well for you, I'd continue to use it. This add-on is geared toward allowing more affiliate options.
No, dont think I'll try that. I think that would be quite a lot of overhead, maybe better for JavaScript on the client side.

Might try some beta testing with it. But I think it'd be a hog on resources
I just copied over the tag for Amazon, but I'm a little confused on the setup for eBay. Should we use the replace or append for eBay? If we use replace, should we just edit the example rover url you use and swap out our campaign id's in there, is there some sort of link generator that eBay provides, or do we just type in the campaign id into the affiliate link box.
Yes, eBay should use the replacer option. Use the example rover URL and replace the campid with yours, and remove or replace the publisher (&pub)t tag, it isn't required.

If you belong to a different eBay Partner Network country than the US program, you'll want to change the placement ID.

Using the eBay link generator tool will show you the values you'll need, but I'll put a better description of them, and examples on the support site.

EDIT: I created a FAQ thread, and this explains how to use the add-on for eBay.
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Does the Append Affiliates work with referral urls that end with &code=affiliateid



And what if a site uses both &code=affiliateid and ?code=affiliateid ?

I have one such site.


but... also...

It works with those, but the '?' And '&' you describe isn't a valid query strings.

The '?' is a separator between the URI path and the query string, it will always appear before any '&', which is the separator between query fields.

If you send me a PC with the affiliate program you're interested in, I can show you how it would work on my site.
Hi @SneakyDave, I'd like to use your addon but don't really know how to setup for Aliexpress.
I'm on portals.aliexpress.com program, how can I get the base URL?
Send me a PM with your aliexpress info, I'll give you an example, and set it up on my site for you to demo. Working on a new update that I plan to release probably tomorrow.
SneakyDave updated [SolidMean] Comprehensive URL Parser with a new update entry:

11/14/2014 - Bug fixes and new features, one minor speed improvement

- Fixed bug with empty/null choices causing the add-on to not correctly parse URL's.
- Added option to choose which forums the add-on should affect.
- Remove extra parsing on message creation, which isn't needed.
- Fixed problem with roverized eBay urls being duplicated when replaced. The add-on will best try to incorporate the message's URL with the 'Replace Affiliate' URL, keeping all the orignal message's query fields (don't ask, it's a PITA).

Read the rest of this update entry...

Updated today and now have a few of these errors.

ErrorException: Undefined offset: 1 - library/SolidMean/ComprehensiveURLParser/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php:193
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 4:52 PM
Stack Trace
#0 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/SolidMean/ComprehensiveURLParser/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(193): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined offse...', '/home/nascartr/...', 193, Array)
#1 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/SolidMean/ComprehensiveURLParser/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(33): SolidMean_ComprehensiveURLParser_BbCode_Formatter_Base->replaceAffiliate('<a href="http:/...')
#2 [internal function]: SolidMean_ComprehensiveURLParser_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderTagUrl(Array, Array, Object(SolidMean_ComprehensiveURLParser_BbCode_Formatter_Base))
#3 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(744): call_user_func(Array, Array, Array, Object(SolidMean_ComprehensiveURLParser_BbCode_Formatter_Base))
#4 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(651): XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderValidTag(Array, Array, Array)

#5 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(564): XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderTag(Array, Array, 0)
#6 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(545): XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderTreeElement(Array, Array, 0)
#7 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php(525): XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderSubTree(Array, Array)
#8 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/Parser.php(505): XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base->renderTree(Array, Array)
#9 /home/nascartr/public_html/community/library/XenForo/BbCode/TextWrapper.php(119): XenForo_BbCode_Parser->render(' => string(85) "http://diecastcrazy.com/community/threads/jeff-gordon-dupont-and-national-guard.6980/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
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Looks like someone was trying to click on an Ebay link from 5 years ago, that may have been the problem due to the format that the Ebay links are these days or the fact that it was once re-written using a different re-writer on vBulletin.
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