Software Maturity


Well-known member
We're getting to that stage where the software is going to become mature enough for public beta, at which point, I assume will be the feature-lock stage.

To what extent though, do you feel that this software is a competitor to others, given its early stage in product lifecycle, and, given that other competing software have had years of experience, 10,000s lines of code etc.?

Obviously, the staff team will need to grow to sustain the produce: support, business development etc.

In 5 years time, how do you envisage XenForo to be?
IE6 -- corps
You know... those two words placed side by side make me think of dead, rotting corpses for some reason...:rolleyes:
Well, it's not that bad, but yeah. Corporations that can pay out a million or two in yearly bonus to their CTO/CEO/CFO that already drives their third Mercedes to their house with the maid (paid by company) and trading internal shares, etc,: .... but can't put 250k to a million into their company to upgrade to a modern IT department. Despite that they earned their bonus by doing nothing all year long, thanks to their digital processing of data by underpaid secretaries and cubicle zombies.
Well, it's not that bad, but yeah. Corporations that can pay out a million or two in yearly bonus to their CTO/CEO/CFO that already drives their third Mercedes to their house with the maid (paid by company) and trading internal shares, etc,: .... but can't put 250k to a million into their company to upgrade to a modern IT department. Despite that they earned their bonus by doing nothing all year long, thanks to their digital processing of data by underpaid secretaries and cubicle zombies.
Now there's a visual; "cubicle zombies"! Be interesting to know how many of those Corps are running forums.
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