- more than soccer


Hi community,

this is my first XenForo Design :)
My Design based on a template from, but more than 80% is coded by SoccerLobby :)

It has many elements from Shelley in it (tutorial, etc.) - thank you for that.

It would be nice to get some feedback
I would change .nodeList .categoryStrip .nodeTitle { text-shadow to:
text-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0 1px 1px #000000;

I really like the background though wouldn't you prefer bundesliga players?
Thank you, I will have a look
By any means do not do it on my behalf, I am only new to forums so extra input would be needed.
But as a forum noob this is one thing that stands out which is possibly different to forum veterans.
each to their own I suppose , But as a noob this did stand out.
By any means do not do it on my behalf, I am only new to forums so extra input would be needed.
But as a forum noob this is one thing that stands out which is possibly different to forum veterans.
each to their own I suppose , But as a noob this did stand out.
It is no problem :)
Maybe I have to reduce some elements of the sidebar...
Hey community,

a few weeks ago, I created my thrid XenForo Design.
The topic of the new Design is "back to the roots" ;)

There are two versions (dark and light) - but it is "only" a lite-version. The full-version gets some more highlight.
Even so it would be really nice to get some feedback. :blackeye:

SoccerLobby 4.0 dark:


SoccerLobby 4.0 light:

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