Implemented Smilies under type box


Well-known member
Dunno if this one will be accepted and welcomed but I would love (as default) to be able to select smilies from under the type box (like princetons hack). For my own preference I like smilies i use to be on view rather than selecting them via a dropdown. Maybe it can be an option to enable or disable? useful for people with large amount of smilies. Yes, you guessed it another Mockup. :D (Mockup Below)

Or maybe what you did in the thread display with the hide options feature. A tab. would be hidden and can be opened at will (added a mockup for this like in thread display)


  • smilies-under-post.webp
    26.3 KB · Views: 175
  • smilies-more-options.webp
    9.1 KB · Views: 347
Upvote 18
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I dislike having to scroll up and down between a smiley list and what I'm typing. I'd prefer something similar to what IPB does with theirs and put it to the right of the text input area.

You wouldn't have to scroll down. The tab would be closed on default as it is on the thread display with the tab system. No scrolling would be required.
You aren't understanding my concern. When the tab is open, it's BELOW the text input area, which means users scroll up and down between the smiley list and what they're typing. I'd prefer to see the smiley list NEXT to the text input area, which puts the two side by side.
I'm disagreeing with you, Side panel (Right or Left) + lots of smilies = expanded broken pages. Not to mention the way I propose doesn't necessarily result in scrolling, 50 plus smilies on vies will result in expanded pages if placed to the right. I just don't agree the right hand placement is the way to go which is why I proposed this newer innovative suggestion on placement.
Having the smilie list next to the text editor window would mean the text editor window isn't the same width as the post body.

I prefer to have them the same so I can see exactly how my posts will appear.
This is more important to me than having smilies easily available on the right.

phpBB does a similar thing with the colour palette - clicking on the button makes the palette appear above the text editor window, clicking it again makes it disappear.
Broken pages? How? IPB does it and it breaks nothing.

How many smilies have they got on view? I have over 60+ smilies on my board (under type box) with no scrolling required. If I put that on the standard right side layout it result in expanded pages (I've seen it many times).

81 smilies and no scrolling (vertically/horizontally) at all. (preview from my site)


  • smilies_mockup_underneath.webp
    34.9 KB · Views: 52
I have more than 60 on my site. My screen shot shows the list as a scrollable list on the right side of the text input area.
I'm liking this idea Shelley :)

I would prefer a grid or pop up with a scrollbar like Mike proposed, this allows for much more smilies to be accessible with just one click. Shelley's idea is nice, but only for a limited number of smilies.
I like the tab idea as well. The existing drop-down smilie memu isn't too bad if you have a smaller number of smilies, but it would turn into an issue with a large number imo. Which seems to be the norm with many communities these days.
For the record I like the second mock-up :)
v1.2 has an option to have them positioned under the editor via a template. So the first screenshot Shelley posted will be available. (y) I'm sure the second one wouldn't be too far off with a template edit.

View attachment 46348
I am marking this as implemented as the new editor shows the smilies under the text entry window once the smiley icon in the toolbar is clicked.
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