Smilie/Emoji Short-Code suggestions should prioritize local smilies over emoji


Well-known member
Affected version
2.2.7 PL1
To clarify, when you start typing in a 'short-code' for a smilie or an emoji in the editor a pop-up box appears with similar suggestions. When the similar suggestions are shown the local defined smilies should be shown first over emoji that have same defined short-codes.

To demonstrate, I have a local smilie defined with the following short-codes:
The image file for the local smiley points to a distinct version of the smiley face versus the generic yellow smiley face.

When I start typing in :smile the pop-up suggestion box shows the :smiley: suggestion of the generic yellow smiley instead of my locally defined :smiley:. If I continue typing in the full :smiley: then the local defined smiley shows as wanted.


I was kinda' hoping that even though the wrong image was showing in the suggestion pop that, after saving the post, that it would be smart enough to use the local :smiley: but that isn't case, instead of inserting the short-code shown on the pop-up it inserts the unicode.


Now if I toggle the editor to turn BB code off then the pop-up box does insert the short-code instead of the unicode and saves it that way, the result then is that even though the wrong image is shown in the suggestion pop-box that the correct image ends up getting displayed in the post.


Maybe if the pop-up box is not that easy to work around then at least an option that the short-codes are inserted into the post all the time instead of the unicode? 🤔 I know that'd make me happy at least. :D
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To add to the mystery, it seems to work if the short-code in question is the first line of replacements.

For example, changing it to the below makes :smiley: work as expected but then :smile: breaks. 🤯 So the issue seems to be more-so related to the ordering of the replacement values.

To clarify, when you start typing in a 'short-code' for a smilie or an emoji in the editor a pop-up box appears with similar suggestions. When the similar suggestions are shown the local defined smilies should be defined first over emoji that have same defined short-codes.
This is usually already the case. There are actually four priority tiers for the suggestions: smilies, emoji short-names, emoji alternative short-names, and emoji keywords. However, the short-names are checked in the order they are defined. In your case, when typing :smile, it matches against :smile: first, which leaves :smiley: open for other suggestions. It might be worth us making changes here, but you can work around this in the meantime by making :smiley: appear before :smile: in your smilie definition.
This is usually already the case. There are actually four priority tiers for the suggestions: smileys, emoji short-names, emoji alternative short-names, and emoji keywords. However, the short-names are checked in the order they are defined. In your case, when typing :smile, it matches against :smile: first, which leaves :smiley: open for other suggestions. It might be worth us making changes here, but you can work around this in the meantime by making :smiley: appear before :smile: in your smiley definition.
I tried that, see post #2 above. :D Putting :smiley: at the top of the list makes it work but then breaks :smile:.
Yeah, whichever matches first will leave the rest of the short-names available for different suggestions. The alternative would be to suppress any suggestions with a short-name from an earlier match, even when it's different from the matched short-name. I don't know if that's always desirable behavior either, so I'm not entirely sure if we'll be making changes here or not.
so I'm not entirely sure if we'll be making changes here or not.
I'd be happy with the idea of having the pop-up insert the short-codes instead of the unicode; even if the pop-up preview is displaying the wrong image the final outcome would be correct. It works that way already when BB Code is toggled off in the editor, I'd be happy if I could make it do it all the time. :)
It's not really displaying the wrong image though, it's displaying a different suggestion with a different matching short-name. It just happens to be a short-name it has in common with an earlier suggestion. I would personally consider a message resulting in a different image than the one I chose even more unexpected behavior, and it makes for a worse WYSIWYG experience to boot.

If anything I'm a bit surprised that the plain text editor doesn't just insert the unicode character when an emoji is selected from the menu.
sad panda GIF
Not definitively saying that suppressing emoji matches for all smilie short-names is a bad idea. I'm just not entirely sure, and it is a bit of an edge case. We'll have a think about it.
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